I would say that the lectures helped me the most this week because they outline everything, especially the history, and then the readings go more into detail.
The juxtaposition of math, art and robotics:
When I first saw that math and robotics had something to do with art, I was very confused and skeptical. I did not think that something as scientific as a robot or a math equation would have anything to do with art. (I guess that this is coming from my foundational learning experience stating that art and sciences/math are always separated). Math can especially be connected with art because of the ways that many artists use numbers, lines, angles etc. to create their art. Math can also be seen as something beautiful, shown in the video below. Robotics can be connected with art because of how they can make art themselves as well as be a piece of art due to their intricately created machinery.
Math and Art:
I thought this was an interesting video explaining how a recent research study showed that people, both those who love math and those who don't really care for it, can find beauty in it. The study showed how when put into an MRI scanner the test subject's brain would light up depending on how "beautiful" they thought the math equation was. While this combination of math and art is not exactly like Da Vinci's Vitruvian man, it still shows how math can be associated with beauty, which is definitely something that art can be associated with.
This short video done by Aysenur Alp is a great example of how math can be turned into art. He, by using fractals and a piece of paper, creates a cool art piece that almost looks like stairs made up out of paper. This use of math and art is more similar to Da Vinci's Vitruvian man because it uses the measurements of art in order to create its beauty.
Robotics and Art:
This cute video shows how the
artist, Egils Mednis, created robots to create random art. He places the machine on paper and attaches colors and other art utensils to have the robot create pantings involving a lot of circles and lines. This video shows how like everything else on this planet, things even like art are moving towards Robots.
Fernando Orellana's exhibition on his robots was probably the most interesting thing I could find on Robots and art. This video really helped explain the whole connection to me. My favorite piece was the sleepwalking robot, and how it moved in such specific ways and behaved almost like a human (like the ones described in lecture!). I also thought it was interesting about how he said that people often had a parental role towards the robots, especially when one of them broke. This shows how we as humans can see some bit of ourselves in the robots and want to be their parent.
Check out this cool blog on Wolfram-Alpha about graphs in different creative shapes such as this butterfly here:
This blog helped me understand more about how math and art are related because you can create art out of math and math out of art. This graph of a butterfly is only a plot of: x(t) = ((-13/7 sin(8/5-10 t)-161/20 sin(8/5-5 t)-7/3 sin(8/5-4 t)-118 sin(8/5-t)+406/11 sin(2 t+8/5)+17/5 sin(3 t+8/5)+2/5 sin(6 t+8/5)+3/4 sin(7 t+8/5)+1/12 sin(8 t+32/7)+4 sin(9 t+14/3)+247) theta(31 pi-t) theta(t-27 pi)+(-10/11 sin(3/2-10 t)-11/4 sin(3/2-8 t)-82/3 sin(8/5-2 t)+122 sin(t+8/5)+48/7 sin(3 t+14/3)+7/8 sin(4 t+5/3)+31/3 sin(5 t+8/5)+31/8 sin(6 t+8/5)+6/7 sin(7 t+8/5)+2/3 sin(9 t+3/2)+3677/6) theta(27 pi-t) theta(t-23 pi)+(-1/2 sin(6/7-20 t)-2/3 sin(4/3-18 t)-2/3 sin(4/5-15 t)-2/3 sin(2/3-13 t)-2/5 sin(4/5-12 t)-27/4 sin(1/2-7 t)-29/4 sin(6/5-2 t)+335/7 sin(t+8/3)+36/5 sin(3 t+5/3)+13/2 sin(4 t+7/4)+47/8 sin(5 t+1/4)+76/11 sin(6 t+13/4)+4/3 sin(8 t+5/3)+2 sin(9 t+18/5)+9/5 sin(10 t+6/7)+3/2 sin(11 t+4)+1/5 sin(14 t+18/5)+4/5 sin(16 t+5/4)+2/3 sin(17 t+21/5)+2/3 sin(19 t+11/6)+1/4 sin(21 t+11/7)+1/3 sin(22 t+1/2)+861/2) theta(23 pi-t) theta(t-19 pi)+(-9/5 sin(1-19 t)-4/5 sin(1-18 t)-2 sin(2/3-17 t)-8/3 sin(4/3-14 t)+5895/7 sin(t+13/4)+687/8 sin(2 t+1/4)+398/5 sin(3 t+1/3)+206/7 sin(4 t+11/3)+165/2 sin(5 t+1/2)+255/8 sin(6 t+2/3)+128/5 sin(7 t+35/9)+21/2 sin(8 t+33/8)+29/5 sin(9 t+12/11)+41/4 sin(10 t+17/4)+5 sin(11 t+7/5)+23/4 sin(12 t+4/3)+19/3 sin(13 t+14/3)+19/3 sin(15 t+7/4)+3/2 sin(16 t+9/5)+3/4 sin(20 t+2/3)+2164/5) theta(19 pi-t) theta(t-15 pi)+(-43/3 sin(3/4-11 t)-48/5 sin(8/7-10 t)+631/3 sin(t+14/3)+203/4 sin(2 t+8/3)+473/4 sin(3 t+3/2)+139/4 sin(4 t+1)+237/5 sin(5 t+32/7)+535/6 sin(6 t+11/6)+1863/19 sin(7 t+14/3)+229/5 sin(8 t+2/3)+93/4 sin(9 t+5/4)+163/9 sin(12 t+2/5)+133/5 sin(13 t+1)+18 sin(14 t+5/3)+41/8 sin(15 t+17/9)+sin(16 t+8/5)-205/3) theta(15 pi-t) theta(t-11 pi)+(-46/3 sin(4/3-12 t)-113/4 sin(2/3-2 t)-297/2 sin(3/5-t)+223/3 sin(3 t+1/4)+167/2 sin(4 t+34/11)+851/10 sin(5 t+22/5)+557/6 sin(6 t+11/6)+44/3 sin(7 t+19/10)+114/5 sin(8 t+9/4)+133/5 sin(9 t+7/3)+80/3 sin(10 t+19/6)+16 sin(11 t+17/4)+37/3 sin(13 t+7/8)+16/3 sin(14 t+2)+33/8 sin(15 t+5/6)+13/2 sin(16 t+7/4)+373/3) theta(11 pi-t) theta(t-7 pi)+(-35/3 sin(3/5-14 t)-414/5 sin(1/13-6 t)-129/4 sin(1/4-5 t)-26 sin(7/5-4 t)+647/5 sin(t+14/5)+279/5 sin(2 t+1/7)+1191/10 sin(3 t+17/7)+77/2 sin(7 t+21/11)+152/3 sin(8 t+29/10)+39 sin(9 t+4/3)+53/2 sin(10 t+3)+25/4 sin(11 t+2)+40/3 sin(12 t+5/4)+71/4 sin(13 t+40/13)+261/20 sin(15 t+3/2)+16/3 sin(16 t+4/5)+2951/4) theta(7 pi-t) theta(t-3 pi)+(-52/5 sin(5/6-9 t)-578/5 sin(6/7-6 t)-721/18 sin(4/5-3 t)+29/4 sin(10 t)+1690/7 sin(t+5/3)+95 sin(2 t+9/5)+38 sin(4 t+15/4)+92 sin(5 t+7/4)+283/4 sin(7 t+2)+161/3 sin(8 t+10/3)+47/4 sin(11 t+8/3)+114/5 sin(12 t+23/8)+41/3 sin(13 t+7/2)+14/3 sin(14 t+5/4)+58/3 sin(15 t+1/2)+41/4 sin(16 t+17/4)+2908/3) theta(3 pi-t) theta(t+pi)) theta(sqrt(sgn(sin(t/2))))
y(t) = ((-5/4 sin(11/7-10 t)-19/3 sin(8/5-6 t)-1321/20 sin(8/5-2 t)+599/4 sin(t+8/5)+58/5 sin(3 t+8/5)+11/3 sin(4 t+14/3)+29/3 sin(5 t+8/5)+9/5 sin(7 t+8/5)+8/5 sin(8 t+14/3)+11/3 sin(9 t+8/5)+1559/2) theta(31 pi-t) theta(t-27 pi)+(-1/3 sin(3/2-10 t)-8/3 sin(8/5-8 t)-29/14 sin(8/5-6 t)-22/3 sin(8/5-4 t)-589/10 sin(8/5-2 t)+481/3 sin(t+8/5)+37/4 sin(3 t+8/5)+26/3 sin(5 t+8/5)+22/7 sin(7 t+8/5)+17/16 sin(9 t+8/5)+3874/5) theta(27 pi-t) theta(t-23 pi)+(-1/20 sin(7/6-22 t)-1/4 sin(4/3-17 t)-1/3 sin(4/3-15 t)-3/5 sin(3/4-13 t)-15/7 sin(1/2-11 t)-12/5 sin(1/12-9 t)+1001/4 sin(t+17/4)+32/3 sin(2 t+57/14)+23 sin(3 t+28/9)+16/3 sin(4 t+17/5)+33/5 sin(5 t+7/4)+4 sin(6 t+8/3)+23/5 sin(7 t+3/4)+2 sin(8 t+27/13)+2/5 sin(10 t+8/5)+1/2 sin(12 t+15/4)+10/9 sin(14 t+39/10)+7/8 sin(16 t+32/11)+3/4 sin(18 t+7/3)+1/3 sin(19 t+3/2)+1/3 sin(20 t+5/3)+2/5 sin(21 t+4/5)+1415/6) theta(23 pi-t) theta(t-19 pi)+(-59/4 sin(1/18-13 t)-39/5 sin(1/6-12 t)-55/3 sin(1/4-11 t)-15 sin(1/3-10 t)-13/5 sin(1/9-9 t)-85/4 sin(3/5-8 t)-22/5 sin(2/3-7 t)-591/4 sin(4/3-2 t)-536 sin(3/2-t)+295 sin(3 t+15/8)+27/2 sin(4 t+7/4)+209/4 sin(5 t+2)+201/8 sin(6 t+11/5)+21/2 sin(14 t+1/10)+35/6 sin(15 t+1/3)+14/3 sin(16 t+3/4)+13 sin(17 t+1/3)+2 sin(18 t+6/7)+36/5 sin(19 t+2/3)+14/3 sin(20 t+1)+775/2) theta(19 pi-t) theta(t-15 pi)+(-76/5 sin(1/3-15 t)-4 sin(5/4-13 t)-31/3 sin(7/5-12 t)-49/3 sin(12/11-11 t)-122/5 sin(1/2-8 t)-526/7 sin(5/6-6 t)-561/8 sin(1-3 t)-55/2 sin(2/5-2 t)+1027/5 sin(t+6/7)+323/5 sin(4 t+31/10)+215/6 sin(5 t+4/3)+71/3 sin(7 t+7/3)+47/4 sin(9 t+17/5)+85/4 sin(10 t+13/3)+72/5 sin(14 t+14/3)+87/8 sin(16 t+4/3)+3168/5) theta(15 pi-t) theta(t-11 pi)+(-35/6 sin(3/4-13 t)-7 sin(7/5-12 t)-46/3 sin(8/7-8 t)-181/4 sin(1/8-4 t)-327/4 sin(1/7-2 t)+320/3 sin(t+23/6)+169/5 sin(3 t+15/4)+347/4 sin(5 t+29/7)+239/3 sin(6 t+12/5)+47/4 sin(7 t+8/3)+35/4 sin(9 t+5/2)+35/2 sin(10 t+18/5)+118/7 sin(11 t+23/6)+10 sin(14 t+7/4)+25/4 sin(15 t+32/11)+39/5 sin(16 t+7/4)+442/5) theta(11 pi-t) theta(t-7 pi)+(-12 sin(1/5-12 t)-61/2 sin(1/2-11 t)-804/11 sin(3/2-3 t)+167/3 sin(2 t)+275/4 sin(8 t)+29/4 sin(15 t)+373/3 sin(t+19/5)+66/5 sin(4 t+5/2)+161/3 sin(5 t+9/4)+102/5 sin(6 t+8/3)+143/4 sin(7 t+1/12)+222/5 sin(9 t+22/5)+47/2 sin(10 t+2/3)+7/5 sin(13 t+3/2)+7 sin(14 t+7/6)+181/10 sin(16 t+10/3)+223/3) theta(7 pi-t) theta(t-3 pi)+(-31/6 sin(1/6-15 t)-12 sin(8/5-14 t)-541/10 sin(11/10-6 t)+640/3 sin(t+15/14)+306/5 sin(2 t+3/2)+221/4 sin(3 t+1/4)+131/3 sin(4 t+8/3)+47/3 sin(5 t+13/7)+38 sin(7 t+18/7)+181/5 sin(8 t+2/3)+49/4 sin(9 t+3/4)+103/6 sin(10 t+22/5)+43/5 sin(11 t+3/4)+14/3 sin(12 t+1/5)+55/3 sin(13 t+4/3)+34/7 sin(16 t+8/3)+3182/5) theta(3 pi-t) theta(t+pi)) theta(sqrt(sgn(sin(t/2))))
While this, even to someone who loves math like me, is scary. But it creates something beautiful. You can switch this either way, depending on which one you put first. This definitely helped me the most in understanding this concept.
"Art & Mathematics." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 6 July 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_El_MM_TImo>.
"Can Math Equations Be A Form of Art?." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 6 July 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y955CrlKlC0>.
Curtis, Cassidy. "—Rungy Chungy Cheese Bees." Rungy Chungy Cheese Bees. Cassidy Curtis, n.d. Web. 06 July 2014.
"Fernando Orellana - Robot Art."YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 6 July 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuvW8cxAHNI>.
Graphics, Seamartini. Seamless Math Formulas Written on White Posters. Digital image. Clipart Of. Clipart Of, n.d. Web. 6 July 2014.
"Mathematics as an Art Form—Visualizing Equations—Wolfram|Alpha Blog."WolframAlpha Blog RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 July 2014. <http://blog.wolframalpha.com/2013/01/08/mathematics-as-an-art-form-visualizing-equations/>.
Sin, Oliver. Untitled. Digital image. Oliver Sin Official Website. Oliver Sin, n.d. Web. 6 July 2014.
"The Magic of Robot Art." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 6 July 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FMSo2W2ET8>.